Sunday 6 January 2013

My dream car

Assalamualaikum wrth~

I don't really have a specific dream car but there's this one car that keeps on making me say "Ahh, I wish I have that car" and "I will buy that car when I'm working and have enough money for it". It's not an expensive car like BMW or other branded cars but it's the car that I want. It's none other than~~~~~~

Tada!! Myvi Special Edition Pink (>0<)/

Obviously I love it because it's PINK but other than that, I also love the fact that it's small and I also love the features. I don't like big cars and I don't have confidence driving big cars. And the car also comes with special features that I really like.

Especially the mirror that is created for make-up. Ouh did I mention that this car is built especially for girls? ^.^ Well I really think that it's the perfect car for me but I am very thankful and I love my current car, which is Atos!

I hope later when I'm working, I will be able to afford to buy it but then it seems like it will take approximately 6 or 7 years more to come for me to enter the working world and my parents keep on teasing me saying that by that time maybe MyVi Special Edition Pink won't even exist any more or maybe there will be other car that will make me fall in love with it. ^^;;; Well, let's wait and see.


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